Web Strategy 101: 8 tips to create compelling website copy

3 min readFeb 22, 2022


Source: Pixabay

Welcome to part ✌️ on creating compelling website copy for your small, medium or large business!

Now that we know the importance of auditing existing content, targeting the right personas, strategizing long-term, and bringing uniqueness to your content, the below steps will hopefully add a compelling touch to your web copy:

🌱→🌳 Cater content to the entire client lifecycle

Your content is a tool to walk customers through each stage of the customer journey — from awareness and consideration, to purchase and advocacy. Your website should therefore provide customers with a good mix of content to cater to each stage of this journey.

Source: Self-created

For example, a blog can bring awareness around your business, offerings, and value proposition. However, for customers evaluating you for hire, case studies or testimonials can be great consideration & advocacy pieces that can nudge them towards reaching out.

💡Always be compelling!

For your website to perform well, your content needs to hit some key notes. It needs to inform, educate and direct your customers towards choosing and advocating your business. It also needs to ensure the right keywords are included for SEO purposes to improve rankings and searchability. You’ll also need stats, client quotes, testimonials to prove your credibility, along with choosing the right images/design to accompany all your copy.

Source: Pixabay

Hitting these elements hard will create copy that is compelling, relevant and actionable for target audiences.

📝 Address the basics

While it’s great to have a stunning website wireframe and design, some basic website sections are essential for a reason. They help your audience gather all the information they need before reaching out to your business.

Source: Pexels

Here are some basic sections that will ensure your website is informative:

  1. ‘Blog’ section
  2. ‘Resources’ section that includes long form content like whitepapers or eBooks
  3. ‘About Us’ section
  4. ‘Case studies’ or ‘Testimonials’ section
  5. Portfolio of services/offerings
  6. ‘Our Team’ section
  7. Job postings
  8. FAQs

📊 Performance matters

Tracking your website performance will help you understand just how relevant your content is proving for your audience. Even basic tracking like determining time spent on a page, number of page views, bounce rates, number of form-fills, downloads can help you understand if your audience is vibing with your content.

Source: Pixabay

Making fixes and tweaks to improve performance can be very helpful in the long run, so never forget website performance measurement and tracking.

As I spent time researching tips for writing compelling web-copy, these 8 steps stuck with me the most! While I haven’t touched upon elements on successful web copy like keyword research, SEO or ranking basics (because I have a lot to learn personally), here’s hoping that implementing these steps during and after creating your website can help you attract higher-quality leads as well.

Do share your critical steps for creating compelling web copy in the comments below! :)




Freelance copywriter and marketing consultant by day, amateur fiction writer by night.